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Sunday 26 July 2020

Mixed Martial Arts Through The Web

Many people have discovered various uses for the web. You can use it for research, buy and sell merchandise or simply advertise your products and services to the audience. If you are a mixed martial artist and want to get in the game, this tool can help jumpstart your fighting career.

This is made possible because of websites that enable you to gain free exposure. Some of these are designed by the fighter themselves so they know what they are talking about when they are giving free advice on how to start or improve your martial arts career in the form of blogs and videos. If you don’t have a manager yet, the website can recommend someone.

Aside from starting your mixed martial arts career, these websites post ads so those who need a training partner may be able to find one and help them prepare for an upcoming competition. If you are a little short on cash, mixed martial arts websites can help you find sponsors. This is updated daily so if you don’t see anything in your area, it is possible for you to do so tomorrow.

One person who made it big using these websites is Chuck Liddell who worked his way to the top and defeated Quinton Jackson in Pride, an organization similar to the UFC or Ultimate Fighting Championship. If it wasn’t for the information available there, nobody would still now him.

Most of these sites encourage mixed martial arts and fans to sign up and become a member. This will allow you to post questions and comments if you don’t agree with what other members are saying.

The other benefits of becoming a member allows fighters will be able to form a network, mixed martial arts event organizers may hire officials and ring card girls to be present during an event and fans will be able to watch professional and amateur competitions.

Websites that focus on mixed martial arts are there and all you have to do is find it. How many are there? There is no actual figure but with more people becoming interested in the sport, you will probably find a few out there that are worth visiting over and over again.

You can simply start by typing in a few keywords like the names of mixed martial artists or the word mixed martial arts itself so you can see them appear on your computer screen in a matter of seconds.

The challenging part is looking through each one so you will know which of these sites are relevant or not. Once you find something you like, bookmark the page so you can easily visit it with a click of the mouse. Spread the word around by forwarding the site to your friends so they too will be able to enjoy it.

For the fans, the journey ends there. But if you are a fighter, the information is simply a guide. You have to win a few matches first so people will know who you are.

One website which you can check out is You will be able to find here almost everything that was mentioned earlier. Once you have visited it, look at the others because they may have something else to offer especially if you are a die hard fan of this full contact sport.

Mixed Martial Arts is Growing

Mixed martial arts is growing in popularity ever since rules were implemented for the safety of those in the ring and you can now watch it on television. It captures an audience both young and old since what happens either in the cage or ring is not scripted unlike wrestling.

There are two main styles of MMA. These are sport and street. In sport, two unarmed competitors fight it out using the same or different martial art discipline. Here, you can’t bite, insert fingers to any bodily crevices, attack the groin and eye gouging. In street, you are allowed to use a weapon of your choice but the first is more popular that the other.

Just to prove how popular mixed martial arts is, various organizations have been formed since the Ultimate Fighting Championships was established in 1993. There is PRIDE, International Fighting Championships and Elite XC.

You can watch UFC fights on pay per view which is featured in Spike TV. Elite XC airs their events after striking a deal with CBS entitled “Saturday Night Fights.”

Aside from its popularity on television, there is an increase in the sale of mixed martial arts merchandise especially in the form of videos which fans can take home. There are also websites which feature upcoming competitions, blogs, forums and everything else related to this sport.

Some fans who have become engrossed in this sport have signed up in gyms that offer this in their classes. This can be done just to work up a sweat instead of lifting weights or running on the treadmill. Those who are serious train hard so they will be able to join a competition and win.

But did this craze really start 15 years ago? The answer is no because mixed martial arts was known by a different name more than 2,000 years ago when this was first introduced by the Greeks during their Olympic Games and that time, this was known as Pankration.

There is no doubt that mixed martial arts as a sport is growing. You can see this in the number of fans who watch it, the sales revenue which happens to be much higher than that of boxing and wrestling, the establishment of academies and gyms as well as the founding of organizations both local and abroad.

There was even a move to make this an Olympic sport in 2004 when the games were held in Greece but this was not added since there were concerns that this venue will not be able to host a list of other new sports.

Four years later, the recently concluded Beijing Olympics did not also have mixed martial arts as one of the new sports. Despite that, there are still fighters willing to make a name for themselves using the other organizations since these events are shown all over the world with millions watching even if the International Olympic Committee has not yet approved it.

Senator McCain once referred to mixed martial arts as “human cockfighting” because according to him, this was too violent. That may be the case but with no fatalities yet compared to boxing which averages 11 a year, this will continue to be part of American society today and it is not going to go away anytime in the foreseeable future.

Is Learning Mixed Martial Arts Good For Your Child

Getting your children in extra curricular activities helps them become a well-rounded individual. Aside from basketball or boxing, another sport you can try is mixed martial arts.

What is mixed martial arts? It is a combination of various martial arts techniques which include karate, jujitsu, judo, tae kwon do and a few others.  Since each one takes time to learn, your child will have to learn the basics of one before moving on to the rest.

But why mixed martial arts? This is because the activity boosts not only your child’s physical health but also mental as well. Although intense, they get to sweat which reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and even obesity.

Bigger kids will think twice about bullying them since they know how to defend themselves when they are threatened. They will also become more self confident and be more assertive after completing a few sessions.

Will training in mixed martial arts make your child violent? The answer is no because most studies have shown that those who start fights in school are usually the ones who have no discipline, no training and no self esteem. This is their way of seeking attention even if there are other ways to get it.

Studies have shown learning mixed martial arts has a profound impact for children who are suffering from ADD and ADHD because it helps them stay focus on a task after doing something repeatedly which in the long term will help them later on in life as this helps them control the symptoms of these two disorders.

Before enrolling your child in a mixed martial arts program, do some research by checking the various gyms or dojo’s that offer this to children.

You may be surprised to know that there is a class called Krav Maga which is an Israeli developed combat system which teaches you to escape from an attacker and then fleeing so you can get help which has helped saved lives.

In any case, you should also watch a few classes and also speak with the instructors. If you are satisfied with how they answered your questions, bring your child over because many will let your child join an introductory class at no extra charge.

If you child likes it, then it is time to sign up. Be aware that some gyms will charge you for the next 6 months. Since your child may like it right now and change their mind in the future, see if you can pay for this on a monthly basis.

But not every child may like mixed martial arts as a recreational activity. If this is the case, try to find something else that they are into so you are able to find something that is good for their overall emotional psychological and physical well being.

Mixed martial arts just like any other sport can help in your child’s development. They will become more responsible, more mature and less likely to engage in violence so they grow up and become decent members of society. So give it a shot and see if he or she likes it. They don’t have to compete if they don’t want to but if they like to give it a try later on, just support them.